Throughout its history, psychic reading has experienced fierce opposition. Two of the biggest oppositions include:
As a body of knowledge that its laws and principles are based on verified facts, science has always negatively portrayed psychic reading.
It doesn't help that the ability of psychic readers to receive or discern information from other people has never been proven by any clinical experiment.
It is no surprise that scientists have often referred to psychic readers as charlatans, which is not true.
Dr. Dean Radin, in his interview with, was asked if psychic abilities are real, and if they can be measured. He answered in the affirmative to both questions. Radin concluded by saying that “There are a lot of mysteries that science hasn’t caught up to yet.”
Radin has advanced degrees in both psychology and electrical engineering. He has worked for prominent labs and companies. Over the last decades, Radin has been trying to measure psychic abilities.
In my opinion, more scientific researches will give credence to psychic reading and its numerous benefits.
Societal Perception
As we have stated already, a type of psychic reading may be prevalent in one region and alien – even forbidden – in another region due to the prevailing culture or religion.
Hence, it is common to find people strongly opposing certain psychic reading types in their regions.
However, this opposition only results in psychic readers being more discreet about their art.
Although these opposing forces have sought to limit the practice of this art, they are partly responsible for the popularity psychic reading now enjoys.